Welcome, Blogophiles!

Welcome, Blogophiles!

Or is that Bloginators, or Blogostines? And why am I doing this?
Heck if I know. But, I'm an artist of sorts, and LOTS of artists have their own Blogs, so why not me? I get to talk about myself and show some of my occasional (and I do mean Occasional) train art. I'm also gigging regularly with a great tribute band called Close to You, which covers the Carpenters. Thanks for visiting, fellow Blogians!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Colorado RR Museum Quadtych Poster

IN A PREVIOUS post I showed my 4 Colorado RR Museum engine oils in progress. Now they are completed (though not yet varnished) and plunked down into a poster layout. I'm reasonably happy with the way they turned out, but I'll admit I'm not very keen on painting a quadtych again. There are many issues of design, color and lighting continuity to keep track of on a "piece" such as this. Perhaps next time I could try a single-point perspective viewpoint. Yikes-my brain is exploding!

This 36 X 16 inch poster is available direct from yours truly for only $25 plus shipping. Other sizes are available–please inquire.

My challenge now is to get the museum in Colorado to take some to sell in their store. How can they refuse? (Plus, no roosters were harmed in the production of these paintings!)